Eternalize your family history
Pregnancy is a super special moment in a woman's life, whether it's her first or not. A life is being generated! There are 9 months of many external and internal changes, and it goes by too quickly. The pregnancy shoot becomes essential to immortalize the memories of pregnancy in a unique and memorable way. We will take the photos in a relaxed way, showing a little of you and your personality and thus providing a visual legacy for your son or daughter of this unique moment in their life.
About the essay
For the mother's comfort, the test should be carried out between the 26th and 32nd week of pregnancy.
I only work with natural light, so we usually choose an external location as a backdrop. It could be a place that you find beautiful or that has special meaning. We will do the test early in the morning or late in the afternoon, depending on the quality of the light. We can do it in an indoor location like your home, as long as it is well lit. Shooting at home allows for a more intimate atmosphere for photos and is also a great option.
Father and children can participate in the rehearsal, but remember that the star of the day is mom! The costume is your choice. The ideal is to wear clothes in neutral colors, avoiding many prints. I will be available to help with the entire process :)
choose the best option for you
full essay
with album
3 hour rehearsal
50 digital photos
affection envelope
album 25x25, 20 pages
R$2.42 0 in 3 X on the card,
or R$2,180 in cash
2 hour rehearsal
40 digital photos
affection envelope
album 20x20, 20 pages
R$ 2,050 and m 3 X on the card,
or R$1,845 in cash
extra photo: R$20
album holds up to 25 photos
extra blade (2 pages): R$33
protective glove: R$140
engraved protective glove: R$200
fabric cover: R$160
full essay
2h30 de ensaio
40 fotos no digitais
envelope afeto
R$1.655 em 3X no cartão,
ou R$1.490 à vista
1h30 rehearsal
25 digital photos
affection envelope
R$1.29 0 in 3 installments on the card,
or R$1.16 0 in cash
extra photo: R$25
indoor location - studio
40 min rehearsal
10 digital photos
R$7 6 0 in 3 installments on the card,
or R$685 in cash
extra photo: R$30
A good photo is a printed photo
When was the last time you saw a photo of yourself outside of your computer screen? We've lost the habit of printing photos with digital advances, but I still fully believe that photos belong on paper. Having printed photographs guarantees permanent access to our memories. That's why I make a big point of delivering digital photos as well.
In all full photoshoot packages, you receive our affectionate envelope with 20 printed photographs of your photoshoot as a gift. You can choose between receiving just the affection envelope or also immortalizing your photo shoot in a top quality photo album.
The album on photo paper replaces that stack of printed photos and preserves the tangible memory. Hardcover and personalized layout, available in sizes 20x20 and 25x25 from 20 pages. To find out even more about the albums, click here.
A fotógrafa
Me apaixonei pela fotografia na adolescência, e depois de me formar em jornalismo, descobri que o que eu queria mesmo fazer era fotografar. No meu trabalho, busco registrar momentos de uma forma mais leve e descontraída, sem muitas poses prontas, capturando momentos reais, sempre com cores vivas. Vai ser um prazer poder contar um pouco de sua história através de imagens. Registrar a felicidade é o que me move! <3
- A reserva da data é realizada após envio do contrato e pagamento de 30% de sinal. O restante do pagamento deverá ser efetuado até a data do ensaio;
-Parcelamento em até 12x pelo PicPay com juros;
-Maquiagem não é inclusa, mas posso te indicar algumas profissionais de confiança;
-Para ensaios na Linha Verde, é cobrado uma taxa de deslocamento a partir de R$180;
- Prazo de entrega: 20 dias úteis após o ensaio e mais 15 dias úteis após a seleção das fotos;
-Precisa das fotos com pressa? Contrate uma entrega de urgência por R$250 e receba sua prévia no dia seguinte e as fotos finais até 72 horas após finalização da seleção.
- A seleção das fotos é realizada online em um site seguro, com login e senha. As fotos são enviadas com com marca d’água e não podem ser usadas para fins além da seleção;
-Valores podem ser alterados a qualquer momento, sem aviso prévio.
última alteração: nov 2024
Important informations